Leadership Forum on the Social Economy
International Conference for Social Business
Date: 2 May 2018
Time: 9:00 – 17:30
Location: Schebek Palace, New Town, Prague
More than 100 leaders across private, non-profit, and public sectors will join to discuss the state of the social economy in the Czech Republic.
- Who are the leaders of today's social / solidarity-based economy
- How to build awareness and support among the public and media
- How to establish goodwill towards partnerships between business and society
- Why more women are leading social benefit ventures
- What are the barriers, challenges and support for women's leadership
- Examples which can be a source of inspiration and energy for everyone
Czech and American representatives from companies, non-profit organizations, government, and philanthropic entities including:
- Kristyna Pellouchoud Driehaus, Vice President, AFOCR; President, KMD Foundation (Chicago, Illinois USA)
- Jolana Turnerová, Executive Director, Spiralis
- Miluše Horská, Vice-President of the Senate PČR, Czech Republic
- Michal Broža, Officer-in-Charge UN Information Centre Czech Republic
- Gail Naughton, Director of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA)
- Jan Dobrovský, Entrepreneur, Journalist, Philanthropist; bpd partners, Post Bellum
- Tomáš Salomon, Board Chair, Ceska sporitelna
- Patricia Stack, Vice President, AFOCR (New York City, New York USA)
- Jan Školník, Co-owner of HOBRA Školník and Printer Broumov; and founder of Agentura pro rozvoj Broumovska
- Dagmar Císařovská, Communications Manager, ExxonMobil; Co-Founder of Exchange for You
- Martina Břeňová, Program Director, Avast Foundation
- Stasha Milovanovic, Marketing Director, AVON
- Eva Knappová, Director, Women's Breast Cancer Alliance
- Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský, Head of Analysis, Communication & Relations, LMC
- Linda Hurdová, Director, Nadání a dovednosti
- Alena Líškay Králíková, CSR Manager, Byznys pro společnost/Business for Society,
- Barbora Komberec Novosadová, Co-founder Impact Academy, Consultant Ashoka
- Kateřina Jonášová, dramaturgy, narrator, founder of Učíme se příběhy
- Miriam Vránová, zakladatelka platformy Spektrum rozvoje žen, Spiralis
Moderator: Alica Sigmund Heráková, editor, Museum of Romani Culture
Time listening and discussions 9:00 – 13:00 (translated eng-cz)
3 panel discussions and 1 break
Recharge Time and Networking 13:00 – 14:00 (not translated)
Break for Lunch
Time work and debate 14:00 – 16:00 (not translated)
4 parallel thematic workshops, media, business-partner, story, impact
Summary of the Day and Closing Remarks 16:00 – 17:30 (not translated)
- You have established or are leading a socially beneficial organization.
- You are interested in the social economy or social innovation.
- You want to support socially beneficial activity
- You are looking for inspiration on how to systematically improve the world.
- You are a fan of social entrepreneurship.
- You want to meet great personalities.
Organized by Spiralis and the "Spectrum for Women's Development" platform.
RSVP Required. Entrance is free, thanks to the support of the European Social fund and other partners.
Sign-up: send us your name, surname, name of your organisation and a few sencences why you would like to participate at Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.
Registration opens on Wednesday 4 April 2018.
Registration closes on Friday 24 April 2018.